Tag Archives: advice

Day twelve, Draconic Wisdom

Hello Readers, and welcome to day twelve of the project, 353 days to go! and today, my dragons have some wonderful advice coming through their tarot in the form ofImage the 3 of Pentacles, and the apparent thought is money and business, we see on the card itself, golden coins changing hands, and a rug with a dragon drawn on it in the background, this lends credence to the Idea that today is a good day to start or work on, a new business venture, Be it a small business(like a lemonade stand) or something big enough to include the whole family, this is one of the themes of the new year, new small and medium sized businesses, making a difference in the community again, providing jobs and detracting from the sometimes irresponsible larger business giants. Likewise, it is a good time to look around in your local corner or convenience store, check out what they have, you may be surprised at the things that turn up in such places, not to mention, you’re helping out the community much more by going to buy something from the nameless store from down the way than by going to Walmart, as the latter already has it’s budget and expenditures covered with or without your patronage, the same, however is not true of a small business, where the scale is much more personal. Anywho, until tomorrow reunites us once more readers, Blessed Be!